


FAMILY- Verbaenaceae

LATIN NAME-Clerodendrum serratum पर्याय-ब्राह्मणष्ठिका, खरशाक, पद्मा

Eng. Name -Blue-flowered Glory Tree

MORPH -क्षुप 8 फीट

Synonyms in the Sanskrit language

Brahmanayastika – its stem is very thin
Kharashaka- its leaves are very dry
Padma- the flower of this plant resembles that of lotus
Other synonyms are- Bhargi, Phanji, Hanjika

Chemical constituents

Scutellarein, uncinatone, Hispidulin, pectolinaigenin, 7-0 glucuronides, etc

गुण- लघु, रूक्ष

रस - तिक्त, कटु

वीर्य- उष्ण

विपाक- कटु

आमयिक प्रयोग -गुल्म, रक्तदोष, शोथ, कास,श्वास, पीनस, ज्वर, अग्निमांद्यहर

प्रयोज्यांग- मूल


विशिष्ट योग - भारंग्यादि क्वाथ

Therapeutic uses of Bharangi

Skin health
Bharangi shows effective results in clearing skin because of its antioxidant property. Juice of Bharangi leaves can be used as a local application to get relief from skin-related issues like boils, burns, itchy skin, redness, etc. Regular use of Bharangi for skin proves helpful.

Respiratory issues
Bharangi works as a natural mucolytic agent that breaks down the mucus and expelled it out from the lungs. This herb also shows good results in patients who are suffering from asthma, tuberculosis, rhinitis, etc.

Herpes infection
Because of the anti-inflammatory property, bharangi helps to reduce inflammation which is the main symptom of herpes infection. The analgesic effect of bharangi also reduces pain around cold sores.

Headache and fever
Roots of bharangi can be used in the form of paste for local application overhead and it will provide relief from mild to intense headaches. Due to antibiotic action, it also lowers the body temperature and can be used mainly in case of hyperpyrexia or malaria fever.

Wound healing
The Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property of bharangi helps to kill or stop the growth of microbes over the skin and also treats inflammation naturally. The paste of its leaves is applied on the affected part because of this it works as a wound healer that heals non-healing wounds quickly.

Joint pain and lymphadenopathy
Various joint-related disorders can cause immense pain and discomfort in the joints. It can also restrict the ability of a person to move joints. As bharangi works as a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory so it helps to reduce pain as well as inflammation and improves the movement of joints. It also provides relief in lymphadenopathy by reducing swelling of the lymph nodes.

Worm infestation
 A decoction prepared with the leaves of bharangi helps to kill warms and get rid of their infestation, particularly intestinal worms.

Part used- Leaves and Root

Dosage of Bharangi- 3 to 6 grams (powder)

Side effects of Bharangi-

There are no side effects known.



Shatavari is a popular supplement that people use to treat a wide range of symptoms. It can be taken orally as a tablet, a powder, or liquid essence.

Recent studies suggest that the root could provide a number of health benefits. However, more studies are needed before this herb can be recommended to treat any specific condition, and it is not currently used in clinical medicine.

"Improving the health of the female reproductive system."

Perhaps the most common traditional use of shatavari, or A. racemosus, is to treat female health conditions, specifically reproductive disorders.

"Reducing symptoms of menopause" 

In line with its traditional use as a treatment for female reproductive conditions, recent research suggests that a combination of herbal medicines, including A. racemosus, may reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Latin name -Asparagus racemosus

Family - Liliaceae

Synonyms - shatamuli,bahusuta,atirasa

English name- Asparagus root

Morph- climber

Chem comp-sarsapogenin,sitosterol


Amaika prayoga- raktapitta,amlapitta,vataroga

Part used-kandabatmula


Important formulation-shatavarighrita,narayanataila

Antioxidant effects

Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals that damage cells and cause diseases like cancer. They also combat oxidative stress.

Anti-anxiety effects

Shatavari supplements have traditionally been used to alleviate anxiety and depression, although no studies have investigated these effects in humans. However, studies suggest that the plant may have these effects in rats. 


  • Promoting diuretic activity. A 2010Trusted Source study on rats found that shatavari had a diuretic effect without causing acute side effects.
  • Lowering blood sugar. Results of a study from 2007 suggest that shatavari may help to maintain blood sugar levels. Some researchers believe that the herb may benefit people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Relieving coughs. A study from 2000 showed that shatavari root extract was effective in relieving coughs in mice. It worked as well as codeine phosphate, a prescription cough medicine. Shatavari root juice is widely used in parts of India as a cough remedy.
  • Treating diarrhea. A study on rats from 2005Trusted Source showed that shatavari helped to combat diarrhea.
  • Improving gastric ulcers. A 2005Trusted Source study indicated that shatavari treated medically-induced ulcers in rats’ food pipes and stomachs. The authors concluded that the herb was about as effective as the medication ranitidine, which is often used to treat ulcers in humans. However, they noted that shatavari was not as effective at treating stress-induced ulcers.



LATIN NAME - Achyranthes aspera
SYNONYMChirchitaa, Shikhari, Shaikharika, Adahshalya, Mayura, Mayuraka, Kharamanjari,                           Kharapushpaa, Pratyakpushpaa, Aaghaat, Vashira, Kanihi

MORPHOLOGY A stiff erect herb, 30-90 cm high. Branches spreading.
                 Leaves - dimple, opposite, velvety- tomentose, 3.8-12.5 cm x 5.1-7.6 cm.
                 Flowers - bisexual, greenish-white, arranged in long spikes, inverted (Hence Apamarga).
                                 Flowering in winter and fruiting in summer.



GUNAलघु, रूक्ष, तीक्ष्ण
RASAकटु तिक्त
KARMA - Astringent, diuretic, hepatoprotective, emmenagogue

INDICATIONS : Chardi, Hridroga, Adhmāna, Kandü, sula, Udara, Apaci, Raktaras, Visücikā, Krimi,                                  Sidhma, Sadyo vrana, Mutrakrcchra , Anaemia, piles, fistula, menorrhagia

PARTS USEDwhole plant

        POWDER : 1-2 g
        LEAF JUICE : 10-15 ml
        DECOCTION : 50-100 ml

FORMULATIONS - Apamarga ksara taila , Sikhari ghruta



LATIN NAME- Desmostachya bipinnata

Eng.Name- Halfa grass


Morph- 2-3 feet (khyupa)

Guna- laghu, snigdha

Virya -sita

Vipaka- Madhura

Amayika prayoga- mutrakrcchra,Asmari,visarpa

Part used- Root

Dose- 50 -100 ml

Formulation - Kusadi ghrta,Kusadi lepa

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Darbha, barhi, suchyagra, yagyabhushana

Regional Name

Gujarati : kusha
Hindi : kusha
Telugu : darbha gaddi
Malayalam : kusha

Botanical Name

Desmostachya bipinnata



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya Charaka : stnyajanana, mutravirechaniya mahakashaya and madhura skandha

Aacharya Sushruta : Trina panchmoola

Bhavprakash nighantu : guduchyadi varga

External Morphology

1/2 to 1-meter high perineal grass

Useful Parts


Important Phytoconstituent

Cylindrine, arundroine, isobarilone

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : madhura, kashaya
Guna : laghu, snigdha
Virya : shita
Vipaka : madhura



Therapeutic Indication

Mutrala (diuretic), stanyajanana (galactagogue), ashmarighna (lithotriptic), trishnahara (reduces excessive thirst)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Pradara - root powder with bala churna and rice water is helpful to treat leucorrhea.
2. Ashmari - root powder with water is useful as a diuretic in renal calculi.
3. Stanyakshaya - root powder with ikshu swarasa is useful as a galactagogue.


Decoction - 50-100 ml, root powder - 3-6 gm


Trinapanchmoola kwatha, kushadi ghrita, kushavaleha

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required

Internal uses :

As it is haemostatic, it is used in diarrhoea and dysentery with bleeding per rectum. menorrhagia and other bleeding disorders. It is a galactogoque. It has diuretic and lithotripsic properties. hence it is used in dysuria and calculi. Its decoction is helpful in skin disorders.



Sesbania sesban clears throat, useful in treating cervical lymphadenopathy and Vata imbalance disorders. On external application, seed paste has anti inflammatory properties and controls oil secretion.
Habitat (Utpattisthāna): Throughout the tropicals, mostly in South India. Probably introduced from Africa.

Habit (Swarūpa): A small soft-wooded tree of rapid growth, reaching 4.5 m. height, Leaves 7.5-15 cm. long paripinnate. Leaflets 9-14 pairs, opposite 1.8-2.5 cm. by 3.8-6 cm. Flowers 1.2-1.5 cm. long, yellow, few flowered, axillary racemes. Pod 15-23 cm. long by 2.5-3.8 mm. seeds 20-30.

Botanical name- Sesbania aegyptiaca, Sesbania sesban Family-Fabaceae 
 local name(Simbi Kula, Aparajita Upakula)

Sanskrit Synonyms-Sookshma moola root is very thin Jayanti, Vijaya, Jaya, Harita, Bala mota, Aparajita, Vikranta

Chemical constituents

Major Chemical Constituents: Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose,

Erythritol, Arabinitol, Galactitol and Myo- inositol are identified in bark & stem extract.

Leaf and pod - ampesterol, cholesterol and beta-sitosterol

Triterpenoids, proteins, tannins, Saponins glycosides and steroids. Flowers cyanidin and delphinidin -


Pollen and pollen tubes contain alpha- ketoglutaric, oxaloacetic and pyruvic acids. 

Properties, part used, dosage

Sesbania sesban medicinal properties:

Guna (qualities) - Laghu - light to digest, Rooksha - Dryness

Rasa (taste) - Katu - pungent, Tikta - bitter- bitter

Vipaka- Katu - Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion Veerya Ushna - Hot potency Effect on Tridosha - Balances Kapha and Pitta.

Part used- Root, Bark, flower, Seed Dosage- Decoction 50-100 ml Churna - powder 2-6 grams, in divided doses per day.

Uses, indications

Sesbania sesban uses:

Laghu light to digest

Kantha Vishodhini cleanses throat

Vatahara useful in treating disorders of Vata Dosha imbalance such as neuralgia, paralysis, constipation,

bloating, etc

Rasayana - anti aging, causes cell and tissue rejuvenation

Indicated in:

Mutrakrichra -Dysuria, urinary retention Visha Toxic conditions, poisoning

Galaganda Cervical

lymphadenopathy disorders

Bhutapaha - useful in psychiatric

On external application: seed paste has anti inflammatory properties and controls oil secretion.

Its ointment is used in treating itching and hives.

External application is useful in treating eczema and psoriasis.

Seed paste is applied on scorpion bite to relieve pain and inflammation.

Leaf paste is applied on hair, before bath, to improve hair growth.

Digestive system: It is useful in improving digestion strength and in intestinal worm infestation


Blood and circulation - It is an excellent blood detoxifier. Useful against Pitta disorders.

Respiratory system: Clears throat of




Botanical name- Buchanania latifolia

Family -Ancardaceae

Morphology - tree grows upto 40- 50 ft

Synonyms-khara skandha,Dhanuspata, Bahula valkala,Tapasesta,Sannakadru,cara

Major chemical constituents-kaempferol

Rasa - madhura
Virya -sita
Guna -snigdha,guru
Vipaka - madhura
Karma - vata - pittahara,hrdya,vrsya

Indications- vataroga ,udarda,daha,sirahsula

Part used-stem bark ,seed kernel 

How to use chironji

It can be consumed raw or roasted and used as an ingredient in cooking / dishes. For weight loss, Charoli is dry roasted. 5 grams of this is taken with 1 - 2 teaspoons of honey, once or twice a day.

Dosage- bark decoction -50-100ml
Seed kernel -10-20g

Imp preparation -Priyala taila

प्रियालतैलं मधुरं गुरु श्लेष्माभिवर्धनम्। हितमिच्छन्ति नात्यौष्ण्यात्संयोगे वातपित्तयोः || २९१|| Ch. Su 27/291

Health Benefits Of Chironji:

Bark - Balances Pitta and Kapha Dosha,

Asraghna - useful in blood disorders such as abscess, skin disorders, bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia, nasal bleeding etc.

"Charoli seeds or seed kernels are used for various purposes."

Madhura sweet


aphrodisiac, improves vigor

Balances Vata and Pitta Dosha

Hrudya acts as cardiac tonic, congenial for heart

Atidurjara difficult to digest

Snigdha - unctuous, oily

Vishtambhi- may cause constipation

May cause Ama - A product of indigestion and altered metabolism

Chironji oil

Dr Amritha

Chironji oil - Priyala Taila

Madhura sweet

Madhura Vipaka - Undergoes sweet taste conversion during digestion process

Guru heavy to digest

Increases Kapha Dosha

Keshya Improves hair strength, promotes hair growth

Sheetala coolant

Balances Vata and Pitta

Abhishyandi sticks to the inner channels

Srushta mutra acts as diuretic

Agnisada may cause indigestion

Chironji oil is applied on hair to relieve gray hairs.

Chironji is used in making a dish called Shashkuli (Called Chakkuli in Kannada), along with other ingredients like black gram, ash gourd pulp etc reference: Kaiyadeva Nighantu, Krutaanna Varga


Basonym Of Drug

Botanical Name:-Bixa orellana Linn

English Name-Sinduri

Main Synonym-:Raktabija, raktapushpa, sukomala, virapushpa, trenapushpi


Morphology-:3-4 feet high shrub

Useful Parts-Whole plant

Rasa Panchak
Rasa : tikta, katu, kashaya
Guna : ruksha
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : katu


Therapeutic Indication

Vishahara (anti-poisonous), chardinigrahana (anti-emetic), trishnanigrahana (reduce excessive thirst), Varnya (good for skin)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Jwara - root bark decoction is given with pippali powder in fever.
2. Kamla - hot infusion is beneficial to treat jaundice.
3. Chardi - a pinch of seed powder with lime juice is given in vomiting.


Bark powder - 3-6 gm, seed powder - 1-2 gm

Formulations-Sinduri taila

Properties of Sindhuri

• Seeds and roots are considered as good appetiser (rochaka), absorbent (grahi) and relieves fever (antipyretic).

• Fruit pulp in small quantity is considered as grahi (absorbent) and in large quantity act as purgative (sramsana).

A natural orange-red condiment obtained from the waxy arils that cover its seeds is called annatto, achiote or bijol. Annato and its extracts are often used to impart a yellow or orange colour to foods such as cheese, butter, ice creams etc. it also adds flavor and aroma. In America it is used to make body paints and lipstick. Hence the plant is also called Lipstick tree.

Morpholgy of Bixa orellana (Achiote tree)

Bixa orellana is a perennial shrub grows to a height of 5 - 8 meter. Leaves are alternate, large 10 - 20 cm long, chordate, green. It bears clusters of white or pink flowers, appear at the tip of the branches. Fruits are globular, bright red or green, covered with soft spines, arranged in clusters. Seeds are small,30 - 45 in number, cone shaped, covered with red pigment.


Bixa orellana is a native to tropical Central and South America. In India it is distributed in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

Side Effects of Bixa orellana

There are no recorded side effects of this plant.

However taken in excess dose can cause gastric irritation and constipation due to astringent property.

Externally in some can cause allergic reactions.


Name - Rasna

Latin name -Alpinia Officinarum 

Family - Zingiberaceae 

English name- Lesser galangal

Synonyms - Elaparni, yukta, sugandha 

Classical categorization:-

Charak-Anubasana Upayoga Bayasthapana 
Bhava Prakash-Haritakadi

Morphology- Herb growing upto 5-6 ft Bearing red colour inflorescence 

Habitat-All over india most in north india.

 Chemical componenets - Galangin , Kaempferide , diaryl-heptanoids

Rasa Panchaka 
Rasa- Tikta

Karma- kapha - vatahara

Uses of Rasna (Alpinia Galanga)
1gm of rasna powder, saunth, gond and afeem is used to treat diarrhoea and abdominal tumours.

Rasna powder, ghodvach and mulethi are used to treat various kapha dosha in the body

It is used to eliminate impurities and blood from uterus after delivery.

The paste of 10cm long rhizome is used to induce vomiting in cases of indigestion. 1-2gm of leaf powder is also used to induce vomiting to

excrete out Kapha dosha in the body.

It is used as rasayana and blood purifier to remove impurities from the blood

Rasna is also used to cure gout, joint pain, body aches and used as an antidote for snake poisoning.

Rhizome paste is applied externally to reduce stiffness and pain in cases of gout.

Health Benefits of Rasna (Alpinia Galanga)

Vamak It is very effective emetic in nature, maximum 3gm of powder of this herb is used to induce vomiting to eliminate dosha from the body.

Kapha nisarak-It also helps to pacify Kapha dosha in the body. It help to excrete extra phlegm and congestion from the respiratory tract and it is used to reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Swedal-It helps to open the blocked sweat pores in the body and help to stimulate the process of sweating

Rakta shodhak Alpinia is also a very effective herb to fight against impurities of blood. It helps in the process of purification of blood.

Anulomik-It also helps to pacify aggravated vata dosha in body. It is beneficial for treating various types of vata disorders. It helps to treat bloating, flatus and distention of abdomen.

Aampachak-It helps to neutralize the harmful effects of extra accumulated hydrochloric acid in the gut. It helps to stimulate digestion and also help to treat sore mouth and blenching.

Part used- Rhizome, leaves

Dose- decoction 

Important formulation - Rasnairandadi kasayam
Maha rasanadi kasayam,Rasanasaptaka Kasaya,Rasanadi Tailam

Research :-
(1) Anti-fungal and antibacterial activity of a flavonoid from rhizomes is reported 
(In. ISxp. Biol. 1976, 14, 712).

(2) Diaryl-heptanoids exhibited prostaglandin biosynthesis inhibiting activity
 (Chem. pharm.Bull. 1982, 30, 2279).


Chavya (deepaneeya) ( charak)

Chavya is classified as one of the Panchakola group of species. It grows as a wild herb in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Bali and some other neighbouring islands. Chavya grows on trunks in humid tropical deciduous forests and also along beaches. It is also cultivated in the backyards in South-east Asia. Dried, ripe and unripe seeds/roots are used as a spice and also as a medical herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It is a soft woody climber and perennial herb. Varieties of this herb tastes hot, pungent and sweet at the same time.

FAMILY- Piperaceae

LATIN NAME - Piper chaba (hunter)

पर्याय - gajapippalimula, cavikamula

Eng. Name-Cubeb

MORPHOLOGY - climber

Chem. Compo- piperine


रस- कटु


वीर्य- उष्ण

आमयिक प्रयोग- क्षुधावर्धक, पाचक, वातहर, कफ निस्सारक, 

प्रयोज्यांग- root

DOSE- चूर्ण 1-2 ग्राम

विशिष्ट योग- pancakola , cavyadi ghrta , sadusana

Chavya is a herb that supports digestion and protects the liver. It aids in the regulation of bile juice secretions from the liver and digestive juices. Chavya also corrects tissue metabolism, relieves haemorrhoids and fistula, and helps in healthy weight control and relieving rheumatic conditions. This herb effectively treats ama, kapha and vata doshas. The plant parts of Chavya are useful in relieving abdominal pain, colic pain in infants, food poisoning, and anorexia.

Medicinal uses of Chavya Root:

  • Relieves constipation, abdominal pain, improves digestive strength and worm infestation.

  • Useful in treating cough and asthma.

  • It has the properties to cure neuralgia, bloating, fullness, paralysis and constipation.

  • It has the capacity to cure tumours in the abdomen.

  • It is used in treating the issues caused by abdominal enlargement.

  • Chavya flower has the properties to treat chronic poisoning.

Medicinal uses of Chavya fruit:

  • Fruit of Chavya balances kapha and can cure recurrent cough, asthma, bronchial diseases and other chronic respiratory disorders.

  • It has the properties which can instantly relieve diarrhoea.

  • It cures throat disorders and worm infestation.

Side effects of Chavya (Balinese long pepper):

  • People will find it difficult to digest the spicy root of long pepper.

  • It might result in chronic gastritis, burning sensation in stomach, irritation in throat, palm and feet.

  • Long term usage of this herb causes unwanted side effects.

  • It is not advisable to use this in pregnancy.



Latin name- Leptadenia reticulata

Family -Asclepidaceae

Synonym -Jeevanti,jeeva,jeevaneeya,Arkapuspi..etc

Rasa- Madhura


Vipaka- Madhura

Veerya- Sheeta

Karma- Tridosa shamaka(especially vata and pitta shamaka)

Morphology - It is a climber growing throughout India

Use- The decoction of the root of the Leptadenia reticulata is given with ghee in a dose of 40 - 50 ml to treat fever

Indication - Grahi,balya,raktapitta,Daha,jwara

Formulation - Confido tablet,Anu taila,Jivantyadi ghrita

Therapeutic uses

  • leaves and roots of Leptadenia species are useful in treating skin infections and wounds.
  • Their major use is to prevent prolapse of uterus and vulva in controlling habitual abortion in women.
  • The roots are used in cardiac disease and haemorrhage, as diuretic, and to cure fever and opthalmia.
  • They are also used as a tonic for general debility to strengthen the body.
  • Leaves are also used as galactagogue for nursing mothers.


At present, no certified varieties of jeevanti are available. However, in nature, two morphological variants are available, namely, narrow-leaved and broad-leaved variants.
Generally, the broad-leaved types are preferred for cultivation.

Pharmacological properties of L. reticulata different parts.

Pharmacological Activity or
Therapeutic Use                                                                                                                                          
Part of the Plant Used or Extract

Antiabortifacient effectPlant powder and Leptaden tablet

Anti-anaphylactic activityThe herbal formulation (DLH-3041)
Antidepressant effectA polyherbal formulation (Malkanguni)

Anti-epileptic potentialLeaf

Anti-implantation activityLeaf

Antimicrobial activityWhole plant, stem, leaf and root

Antitumor/in vitro cytotoxic activityWhole plant, leaf, in vitro plants, callus
Antioxidant activityLeaf, in vitro plants, callus, whole plant

Antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activityWhole plant

Antiulcer activityLeaf

Anxiolytic activityLeaf



Botanical Name-Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br.ex Schult

Sanskrit Name - Mesasringi,Ajasringi,Vishani

Hindi Name - Gurmar

English Name-Periploca of the woods

Family- ASCLEPIADACEAE Vernacular Names-Hindi- Gudmar Synonyms-Ajasmgikä, Madhunasini, Visānī

Introduction- It is a perennial climber having small yellowish green flowers and conica fruits.

Major Chemical Constituents-Gymnemic acids, gymnemine, gymnemagenin, gypenosies


Rasa-Kaşaya, Tikta

Virya- Uşna

Guna- Laghu, Rükşa


Indications- Madhumeha, Kustha, Krmi, Vrana, Käsa-śvāsa.

Karma-Kapha-vātahara, Dīpana, Sramsana

Part Used-Leaves,Root

Dosage- Powder 3-6 g

Medicinal Properties of Mesasringi Gymnema sylvestre

Kushtaghna-alleviate skin disorders

Krimighna - useful in worm infestations

Kandughan- relieves itching

Vishaghna - useful in poisoning

Kasa hara - relieves cough

Sulahara-relieves pain

Sophahara - relieves swelling

Swasahara - relieves asthma.

Home remedies of Mesasringi  Gymnema sylvestre -

Ayurveda is an ancient treatment system which ispurely based on naturally available herbs and materials for the purpose of alleviating diseases. The herbs used in Ayurvedic treatments are toxic free andhave no side effects at all. Mesasringi is one of the most commonly available herb and can be used to treat diseases like

In Diabetes (Prameha) - Powder of dried leaves of mesasringi is given in diabetic condition

In inflammatory conditions (sotha)-Leaf paste of mesasringi is applied over the joint.

In Fever (Jwara) - 5-7 leaves of mesasringi are collected and made into decoction by adding 4 times water. It is then taken orally.

In Colic pain (Sula) -mesasringi along with Zingiber officinale is made into decoction. Drinking this decoction at a dose of 60 ml can cure colic pain

In vomiting (Chardi) - mesasringi is consumed along with ghee, honey and sugar. It can immediately alleviate vomiting

In Cough (Kasa) - 6-7 leaves of mesasringi is taken and powdered well. It is then taken along with Solanum xanthocarpum and honey.

In Worm infestation (Krimi roga) - Decoction prepared by crushing root of mesasringi is taken along with Goat's urine.

In obesity (sthoulya) - Decoction made with mesasringi and Phyllanthus emblica is taken internally at a dose of 60 ml.


SAIREYAK -सैरेयक (कुष्ठघन) Introduction -  It is a shrub growing upto Im. It will have yellow flowers and found in many parts of...