Botanical Name-Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br.ex Schult
Sanskrit Name - Mesasringi,Ajasringi,Vishani
Hindi Name - Gurmar
English Name-Periploca of the woods
Family- ASCLEPIADACEAE Vernacular Names-Hindi- Gudmar Synonyms-Ajasmgikä, Madhunasini, Visānī
Introduction- It is a perennial climber having small yellowish green flowers and conica fruits.
Major Chemical Constituents-Gymnemic acids, gymnemine, gymnemagenin, gypenosies
Rasa-Kaşaya, Tikta
Virya- Uşna
Guna- Laghu, Rükşa
Indications- Madhumeha, Kustha, Krmi, Vrana, Käsa-śvāsa.
Karma-Kapha-vātahara, Dīpana, Sramsana
Part Used-Leaves,Root
Dosage- Powder 3-6 g
Medicinal Properties of Mesasringi Gymnema sylvestre
Kushtaghna-alleviate skin disorders
Krimighna - useful in worm infestations
Kandughan- relieves itching
Vishaghna - useful in poisoning
Kasa hara - relieves cough
Sulahara-relieves pain
Sophahara - relieves swelling
Swasahara - relieves asthma.
Home remedies of Mesasringi Gymnema sylvestre -
Ayurveda is an ancient treatment system which ispurely based on naturally available herbs and materials for the purpose of alleviating diseases. The herbs used in Ayurvedic treatments are toxic free andhave no side effects at all. Mesasringi is one of the most commonly available herb and can be used to treat diseases like
In Diabetes (Prameha) - Powder of dried leaves of mesasringi is given in diabetic condition
In inflammatory conditions (sotha)-Leaf paste of mesasringi is applied over the joint.
In Fever (Jwara) - 5-7 leaves of mesasringi are collected and made into decoction by adding 4 times water. It is then taken orally.
In Colic pain (Sula) -mesasringi along with Zingiber officinale is made into decoction. Drinking this decoction at a dose of 60 ml can cure colic pain
In vomiting (Chardi) - mesasringi is consumed along with ghee, honey and sugar. It can immediately alleviate vomiting
In Cough (Kasa) - 6-7 leaves of mesasringi is taken and powdered well. It is then taken along with Solanum xanthocarpum and honey.
In Worm infestation (Krimi roga) - Decoction prepared by crushing root of mesasringi is taken along with Goat's urine.
In obesity (sthoulya) - Decoction made with mesasringi and Phyllanthus emblica is taken internally at a dose of 60 ml.
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