दूर्वा (प्रजास्थापन)
"Durva grass has various medicinal uses and provides numerous health benefits. It can treat acidity, boost immunity, control sugar levels, cure Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome as well as solve menstrual problems, cure constipation, treat obesity, cure bleeding of gums, cure eye infections, and stop nose bleeding."
LATIN NAME -Cynodon dactylon
पर्याय-दूब, शतपर्वा
Chem. Compo- PROTINE
रस -कषाय, मधुर
विपाक -मधुर
वीर्य -शीत
आमयिक प्रयोग -कफपित्तहर, तृष्णा, दाह, रक्तपित्त, त्वकरोगहर, अश्मरी
प्रयोज्यांग -पंचांग
DOSE -10-20 ML
विशिष्ट योग -दूर्वादि क्वाथ घृत-तैल
Health Benefits of Durva (Doob):
Doob grass, also known as Durva grass, has many health benefits. Here are some of them:
1. Treats acidity
Durva grass is effective in curing acidity. To treat acidity, you can take 3-4 teaspoons of Cynodon dactylon juice and mix it with a glass of water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning. This mix is good not only for acidity, but also for stomach ulcers, colitis, and stomach infections.
2. Boosts immunity
Doob grass can enhance your body's immunity. Cynodon dactylon contains a bio-chemical compound called cynodon dactylon protein fractions (cdpf), which helps to enhance the immunity of the body. It is an easily available and affordable immune booster and energizer.
3. Controls sugar
Studies have shown that Cynodon dactylon has a hypoglycemic effect, which is helpful in controlling blood sugar levels and reduces fatigue. Durva grass is also beneficial in the prevention of disorders and conditions associated with diabetes.
4. Helps with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and menstrual problems
Bermuda grass is good for urinary tract infections. When the grass juice is taken with yogurt, it shows good results for those who are suffering from piles and vaginal discharge. Durva grass is a good herbal remedy for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
5. Helps with obesity
Durva grass can help control obesity and aid in weight loss. It is suggested that you should take juice of Bermuda grass twice a day to get good results. Prepare a decoction of conch grass (doob grass) (3 teaspoons), black peppers (4-6 in number) and a pinch of cumin. It is recommended that you take it twice a day with coconut water or buttermilk.
6. Cures constipation
Doob grass is helpful in curing stomach related problems. Drinking the juice of durva grass with water can help detoxify the body by releasing toxins from the body. It is good for acidity and normalizes bowel movement, thereby benefiting constipation. It promotes regular bowel movement.
7. Purifies blood
Durva grass acts as a natural blood purifier and also helps in maintaining the alkalinity of blood. It is very effective in curtailing the loss of blood due to injury, nosebleed, or excessive menstrual blood flow. It increases the production of red blood cells, which in turn increases haemoglobin levels in the body and thus prevents anaemia.
8. Cures bleeding gums
Durva grass is effective in curing oral related health problems. It has an adequate amount of alkaloids called flavonoids, which act against ulcers. Taking doob grass reduces the formation of phlegm and prevents gum-related problems. Durva grass strengthens the teeth. It helps to fortify the teeth and is good for removing bad odour from the mouth (halitosis).
9. Cures eye infection and stops nose bleeding
Applying the juice of Bermuda grass over the affected eye region is good in overcoming eye infections. If somebody is experiencing nose bleeding, Cynodon dactylon is effective in stopping it. For this, one has to put 2 drops of doob grass juice on the bleeding nostril.
Uses of Durva (Doob) Grass
Durva grass is a fast-growing and durable grass that is popular for sports fields. This grass is highly desirable in warm-temperate climates because of its heat and drought tolerance, which allows it to survive in areas where other grasses cannot. Because it recovers quickly when damaged, it is a common choice for golf courses in the southern and southeastern United States. Durva grass has a relatively coarse-bladed form and has numerous cultivars selected for different turf requirements. However, it is also highly aggressive and can crowd out most other grasses, making it a hard-to-eradicate weed in some areas.
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