BAKUCHI बाकुची


BAKUCHI बाकुची (कुष्ठघ्न)


LATIN NAME - Psoralea corylifolia

SYNONYMS(पर्याय) - कृष्णफला, कुष्ठघ्न, पूतिफली

Eng. Name - Psoralea seed


Chem. Compo- Psoralin,Raffinose,isopsoralen,Corylifolean

गुण - लघु, रूक्ष

रस - कटुतिक्त

विपाक - कटु

वीर्य - उष्ण

आमयिक प्रयोग - कृमिघ्न, त्वकदोषहर, व्रणरोपण,

श्वित्र, कुष्ठ, सोरायसिस, विबन्धहर

प्रयोज्यांग - बीज,तैल 

DOSE - 1-3 Gm

FORMULATIONS(विशिष्ट योग) - बाकुची-चूर्ण तैल,बाकुची रसायन, सोमराजी रसायन

Varieties of Bakuchi

According to chikitsa sathan in Shushrut samhita, there are two types of bakuchi:-

1. Shweta bakuchi

2. Krishna bakuchi

Practical Uses of Posralea corylifolia

One of the amazing fact about this herb is that whole plant is used in medicine system for its medicinal properties. Common name of this herb is kusthghan, it is best ancient remedy used for kusthroga and leucoderma.

This plant is natural blood purifier. It is used to boost immune system and process of detoxification of blood.

It has anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant and anti-hyperglycemis properties.

Seeds of this plant are diuretic, laxative and also used to cure poisoning by scorpion and snake bites

It is good to cure dyspnoea, asthma, bronchitis and various disorders associated with respiratory tract.

It is used to relieve indigestion and also used to cure worm infestation.

Seeds of this plant are used to cure various skin disorders.

Fruits of this herb are bitter in taste and used to stop vomiting.

Seeds of this herb are also used in tooth and bone decalcification.

Fruits are used to cure anemia, piles and various bleeding disorders.

It improves hair growth and useful in wound and ulcer healing.

It is anti-ageing and help to rejuvenate skin.

It is used to improve quality and luster of hair.

It is also a cardiac tonic and used to cure various problems associated with cardiac system.

It improves taste and used to cure anorexia.

It pacifies vata and kapha dosha,


Oil of this herb is very strong and excess use of this oil may cause skin discoloration.

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