FAMILY - Liliaceae
LATIN NAME- Aloe vera
पर्याय- घृत कुमारी, ग्वारपाठा
Eng. Name - Indian aloe
MORPHOLOGY - क्षुप 2 फीट
Chem. Composition - Aloin
गुण- गुरू, स्निग्ध ,पिच्छिल
रस - तिक्त
विपाक - कटु
वीर्य- उष्ण
आमयिक प्रयोग- बल्य, वातविषहर, वृष्य, चक्षुष्य, रसायन, गुल्म, प्लीहा, यकृत, ग्रन्थि, अग्निदग्ध, रेचनी, अनार्तव
प्रयोज्यांग - पत्र, एलुवा
Dose- 0.1-0.2 gm
विशिष्ट योग- कुमार्यासव, कुमारिकावटी, कुमारिकापाक, रजःप्रवर्तनीवटी
Ghritkumari is native to the Mediterranean region of North Africa, Canary Islands and Southem Europe. It is cultivated in USA, Mexico, Asia, southern Europe, Aruba, Bonaire, Bermuda, West Indies, the Bahamas, Central and South America. It spreads as wild in the coasts and coastal regions of south India. It also grows in parts of these cities, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat.
Classical Categorization
There is no independent information regarding Ghritkumari observed in classical texts of Ayurveda.
In Samhitas-it is mentioned as a single drug and as one of the herbs used for making herbal formulations.
Acharya Sharangdhara explained one of the famous formulation of Ghritkumari in 13th century. It is known as Kumariasava.
Acharya Shodal introduced Ghritkumari in Nighantus in 14TH century.
Acharya Shodal described it as Kushthavinashini (drug destroy all kinds of skin diseases).
Acharya kaiyadeva mentioned kumari as rasayana means rejuvenator and vrasya means aphrodisiac
Kaiyadeva nighantu encloses the benefits of Ghritkumari flowers. They specified the flowers as a vermicidal
Practical Uses of Ghritkumari
It helps to stabilize blood sugar level, hence is good for diabetes.
It is helpful to cure burns and other skin disorders.
It give relief from wounds and ulcers.
It prevents growth of acne and moisturizes the skin.
It helps to treat fungus, insect bites, herpes, vaginal infections and allergic reactions.
Its juice is a tonic in conditions like jaundice, amenorrhea and piles.
It is antiseptic, helps to kill many of viruses and bacteria.
It helps to alkalize the body, balances acid production and treats constipation.
It prevents kidney stones, crohn's disease and IBS.
It also controls the levels of cholesterol and oxidative stress.
a. Take 2-3 teaspoons of Aloe vera juice.
b. Mix it with an equal quantity of water and drink immediately.
c. For better results, drink it preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Aloe vera capsule
a. Take 1 capsule of Aloe vera after meals or as prescribed by the doctor.
b. Follow this twice a day.
3. Aloe vera pulp
a. Remove the pulp from the inner side of fresh Aloe vera leaves.
b. Take about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon and add it to your favorite smoothie or fruit juice.
c. Blend well and drink it immediately preferably in your breakfast
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