SAIREYAK -सैरेयक (कुष्ठघन)
It is a shrub growing upto Im. It will have yellow flowers and found in many parts of India.
Caraka did not mention it under any of the 50 groups in his tex: but described it several times. Suśruta and Vägbhața have mentioned it under ganas. Bhāvamiśra quoted four variet- ies viz., Svēta, Pita, Rakta & Nila. Botanically they fall under three Barleria species viz.,
(1) B. prionitis- Yellow flowers
(ii) B. cristata Linn- White & red flowers
(iii) B. strigosa Linn- Blue flowers.
LATIN NAME - Barleria prionitis
FAMILY NAME - Acanthaceae
ENGLISH NAME - Yellow nail-dye plant
पर्याय- सहचर,झिण्टी,पियाबासा
Morphology - गुल्म( 1m)
Chem.const.- Barlerin,Acetyl Barlerin
रस- तिक्त,मधुर
गुण- लघु
वीर्य - उष्ण
विपाक- कटु
आमयिक प्रयोग - कुष्ठ,कण्डु,वातरक्त,विषहर,पालित्य-खालित्य
Titerapeutic Usage -
(1) Müşika Visa- Root of Saireyaka shall be given with honey and rice water (A.H.Ut. 38).
(2) Vātavyādhi-Oil prepared with the decoction of Sahacara, Devadāru and Sunthī is useful (A.H.Ci. 21).
Important Formulations- Sahacarādi taila, Krśādi ghita,
Major Chemical Constituents
(1) B. cristata- Barlacristone, cristabarlone, acetylbarlein, apigenin etc.
(2) B. prionitis- Barlerin, acetyl barlerin, scutellarein-7-neophesperidoside etc.
(3) B. strigosa- B-sitosterol
Useful part - पंचांग
Dose- Leaf juice (10-20ml)
Decoction (50-100ml)
विशिष्ट योग- सहचरादि तैल,रास्नादि क्वाथ
(1) The alcoholic extract of the entire plant of B. cristata was found to have hypoglycaemic activity in albino rats (Dhar et al., 1968).
(2) The decoction of the leaves of B. prionitis in a dose of 2.5 ml/100 g, was found to have moderate diuretic activity in rats compared to urea as the standard drug (Gujral et al., 1955).
(3) The extract obtained from B. cristata var. dictrotoma showed CNS depressant activity in mice. It also produced hypothermia in mice (Bhakuni et al.,1969
Basonym of Drug | Saireyaka |
Main Synonym | Amalatan, dasi, bhana, kurantaka, sahachar, mrudukantaka, kinkirataka, jhinti |
Regional Name | Bengali : kantajati, janti Gujarati : katasairiyo Hindi : katsareya Kannada : gorantige Tamil : shemmuli Telugu : mullu goranti English : yellow nail-dye paint
Botanical Name | Barleria prionitis Linn |
Family | Acanthaceae |
Classification (Gana) | Bhavprakash nighantu : pushpa varga.
Raja nighantu : karaveeradi varga.
Dhanvantari nighantu : guduchyadi varga |
External Morphology | Small shrub with small spikes |
Useful Parts | Whole plant |
Important Phytoconstituent | Potassium, rhamnosyl, acetyl barlerin, iridoids |
Rasa Panchak | Rasa : tikta, madhura Guna : laghu Virya : ushna Vipaka : katu
Action | Kaphavatahara |
Therapeutic Indication | Sothahara (anti-inflammatory), shoolahara (analgesic ), kusthaghna, netrarogahara (treat skin diseases), palityahara (prevents premature hair graying) |
Therapeutic Uses | 1. Sandhivata - oil prepared with saireyaka is useful to treat inflammation and pain arthritis. 2. Arma - powder of saireyaka, lodhra, and haridra is sprinkled in the eye after surgery of pterygium. 3. Karnashoola - root paste is applied over the swelling of glandular nodes and boils.
Dose | Juice - 10-20 ml, Decoction - 40-80 ml |
Formulations | Sahacharadi taila, saptasara Kashaya, rasnadi kwath |
Adverse Effect | Not Known |
Remedial Measure | Not required |
Purification | Not required |
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