Botanical name - Ficus racemosa Linn.
Family- moraceae
Eng name -cluster fig tree
Synonyms - jantuphala, sadaphala, apuspa, sveta vakakala, hemadugdhaka
Classical Categorization
Charak : Mūtrasangrahanīya, Kaşāya skandha
Susrut : Nyagrōdhādi gana
Vagbhata : Nyagrōdhādi
Morphology - moderate to large deciduous tree 9.1 to 12.2m height.
Habitat-All over India.
Chemical composition- gluacol, sitostetol, lupeol
Rasa Pnchaka
Rasa- kasaya
Guna -guru, rukhya
Virya - sita
Vipaka- katu
Therapeutic Uses
(1) Garbhapata- Udumbara fruit decoction is mixed with Śāli rice powder and sugar is administered with honey (R.M.).
(2) Hikkä- Ash of Udumbara bark is mixed with honey and ghee and given (S.S.Ut. 50).
(3) Prameha Pițikā- Udumbarakşra is applied externally (G.N.).
(4) Pumsavana- Vandāka growing on Udumbara tree is given with goat's milk - (V. D.)
Parts used - bark, fruit , latex
Indication- vatarakta, vrana, rakha vikara, murcha
Imp prep- udumbaradi taila, panchavalakal kwatha
Dosage- powder 3-6 gm
Decoction 50-100 ml
Practical uses of Udumbara
Udumbara plant shows certain medicinal properties such as chemoprotective, hepato-protective, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti fungal and many more.
Udumbara in fever
As Udumbara is enriched with properties like antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, helps to treat the condition of fever
Just take fresh Udumbara root and make its juice. Take up to 9-10 grams of this juice with sugar twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Take 10 to 20 gram Udumbara bark and soak it in 400 ml water. Strain this after three hours. Take this infusion up to 50 ml in the morning and evening.
Udumbara in Piles and fistula
Take 14-15 gram leaves of Udumbara and make its powder. Mix this powder with 250-270 gram add curd, black salt and consume it two times a day in condition of piles. The preferable choice for curd will be prepared from cow milk.
Take 15-20 drops of Udumbara plant milk secretion and mix this in water and drink. This show great effects in state of bleeding during piles.
To cure the problem of fistula, take some milk secretion of Udumbara plant and dip cotton in it. Now place that cotton piece on fistula every day
Udumbara in Urinary disorders
To treat urinary problems take 10-11 drops of of Udumbara Udumbara milk secretion in t two batashas ja kind of sugar sweet) every day.
In the state of yellow urine, take the fruits peel, dry and grind it. Mix equal amount of sugar in it and consume up to 6-7 gram with cow milk, two times a day
Uumbara in Hemorrhagic diathesisd
It is a condition in which there is ronssive bleeding due to deficient cnagulability of blood due to the problem of coagulopathy. To treat this problem me can take 30 gram hack of Udumbara, make its paste and apply on the inner side of upper jaw. This is gresat for the treatment of nasal bleeding
Cosume 5 ripe fruits of Udunbata with sigar three times a day to stop bleeding
To stop hood during vomiting, take fruits of Ulanbara, make its powder and consume up to 4-5 gram of this powder with milk, three times in a day.
To cure metrorhagia, abortion, excess bleeding and danhea with bleeding, take unripe Udunbara fruit and sugar. Make its powder and consume 5-7 gram with water in the moming and evening
In the case of diathesis and bleeding during diantes, make the juice of its leaves and consume up to 5 mt of its juiue with honey
(1) Aqueous extracts of barks of F. bengalensis and F. glomerata reduced the blood sugar in normal as well as alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits (Shrotri & Aiman, 1960).
(2) The ethanolic extract of the leaves of F. racemosa on further extraction with benzene and ethyl acetate yielded an active fraction, rich in glycosides and this fraction war found to extert hypotensive and vasodilator effect on anaesthetized dogs and produced a depres- sant action in the rate and force of contraction of rabbit's isolated heart (Tridev et al.,1969)
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