

Botanical name - Ficus religiosa

Family- Moraceae


The peepal tree is considered the mythical ‘Tree of Life’ or ‘World Tree’ of the Indian subcontinent. The peepal tree, also called Ficus religiosa, belonging to the family Moraceae, is a variation of the fig tree known as the bodhi tree. The word ‘Ficus’ in Latin refers to ‘fig’, the fruit of the tree and the word ‘Religiosa’ refers to ‘religion’, as it is sacred in both Buddhism and Hinduism. Also, for this reason, it is named ‘Sacred fig’. It is a huge tree often planted near holy places and temples.1

Classical Categorization

Charaka - Mutrasangrahaniya, Kasaya Skandha

Susrut - Nyagrodhadigana

Vagabhata - Nyagrodhadigana

Morphology-huge tree,
Flower- hypanthodium infloresence

Habitat - All over India.

Chemical composition- Lanosterol, stigma sterol, Lupen-3-one, methyloleanolate, Bark-beta-sitosterol-D-glucoside

Synonyms- Bodhidru, pippala , Calapatra, Gajasana


Guna- Guru 
Virya- Sita 
Vipaka- katu

Karma -kapha pitta hara ,Varnya ,vrsya

Therapeutic Usage -

(1) Vatarakta - Bark decotion of bark powder will be useful.
(2) Klaibya - Milk coocked with fruit, root, bark, leafbud, is given with honey and sugar.
(3) Agnidagdha Varna - Dusting of bark powder will be useful`

Part used -Bark, leaf, fruit
Traditionally, the juice extracted from the leaves of the peepal tree may be helpful in treating cough, asthma, diarrhoea, ear pain, toothache, haematuria (blood in urine), migraine, scabies, eye troubles, and gastric problems. Additionally, the stem bark of the peepal tree might be useful in managing paralysis, gonorrhoea, bone fractures, diarrhoea, and diabetes. However, it is important to note that more scientific studies are required to establish the potential benefits of the peepal tree for the purposes mentioned above. Also, it should not be used for self-medication.s of the peepal tree for the purposes mentioned above. Also, it should not be used for self-medication.

Dose - powder- 3to 6gm
decoction 50 to 100 ml

Formulation- Asvathamuladi modaka Nalpamaradi tailam

Research :- 

(1) B-sitosteryl-D-glucoside, showed hypoglycaemic activity which compared favourably with that of tolbutamide (Ambike & Rao, 1967).

(2) The aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of the bark decreased the tone and dimin- ished amplitude of movements of isolated intestines of rabbit, guineapig and abino rats and intestine in situ of dog. It also depressed the contraction of isolated uterus of rats. The extract showed antiacetylcholine but not antihistamine action on isolated guineapig heart (Malhotra et al., 1960a).

Potential uses of Peepal Tree for the Digestive System

Severe intolerable stomach pain may be relieved by drinking the bark’s decoction with jaggery and salt. An enema (fluid used to cleanse or stimulate the emptying of the stomach) prepared from the tree’s sprouts, cooked in milk and filtered, can be used for dysentery (severe diarrhoea). Repeated and severe vomiting can be relieved using the tree’s inner bark. The bark is dried in the shade and further finely powdered. This is mixed with honey and is considered to ease vomiting due to Kapha. Burnt peepal bark is dipped in water for cooling and can be used to satisfy uncontrollable thirst.1 The leaves of the peepal tree are laxative (ease the passage of stool). The raw juice of its leaves or powdered dried leaves in water can be taken.1 

Potential uses of Peepal Tree for the Heart

The leaves of the peepal tree might be helpful for heart diseases. The leaves are soaked in water, distilled (purified by heating), and stored. It may help with heart weakness and palpitations (feeling that the heart is racing).1 However, more research is required to prove the use of peepal tree for the heart. Conditions of the heart are serious. Therefore, you should consult a doctor. Only a doctor should diagnose and treat heart diseases.

Potential uses of Peepal Tree for Joint Pain and Fever

The peepal tree might be effective in fever due to its potential cooling nature. It might also be helpful for rheumatism (inflammation and pain of the joints). The bark of the peepal tree is cooked in water, filtered, and taken with honey as and when prescribed by an Ayurvedic physician under their supervision.1 Kindly do not use it for self-medication.

Potential uses of Peepal Tree for Respiratory system

The powder form of the dried fruit with water may help with asthma. It may also be helpful with honey to relieve cough. It is also thought to make the voice melodious and sweet. Its powder with butter might help deal with whooping cough in children.1 However, more studies are required to prove such claims. Kindly ensure that you consult a doctor as such conditions should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Potential uses of Peepal Tree for the Skin

The decoction (concentrated solution obtained after boiling or heating) of peepal bark might help deal with itching or eczema (a condition where the patches of skin become inflamed and rough). The paste (bark and water) may help deal with skin eruptions. Its powder might have a potential use along with sesame oil for wounds.1 however, more research is required to prove the potential uses of peepal tree for the skin. Therefore, kindly consult a doctor.

Precautions to Take With Peepal Tree: 

General precautions should be followed before taking parts of peepal tree, especially by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children and elderly individuals. Therefore, before taking the powdered bark or any other part of the tree, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Kindly do not self-medicate, alter, replace or discontinue any ongoing treatment by yourself.


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