
Name - Rasna

Latin name -Alpinia Officinarum 

Family - Zingiberaceae 

English name- Lesser galangal

Synonyms - Elaparni, yukta, sugandha 

Classical categorization:-

Charak-Anubasana Upayoga Bayasthapana 
Bhava Prakash-Haritakadi

Morphology- Herb growing upto 5-6 ft Bearing red colour inflorescence 

Habitat-All over india most in north india.

 Chemical componenets - Galangin , Kaempferide , diaryl-heptanoids

Rasa Panchaka 
Rasa- Tikta

Karma- kapha - vatahara

Uses of Rasna (Alpinia Galanga)
1gm of rasna powder, saunth, gond and afeem is used to treat diarrhoea and abdominal tumours.

Rasna powder, ghodvach and mulethi are used to treat various kapha dosha in the body

It is used to eliminate impurities and blood from uterus after delivery.

The paste of 10cm long rhizome is used to induce vomiting in cases of indigestion. 1-2gm of leaf powder is also used to induce vomiting to

excrete out Kapha dosha in the body.

It is used as rasayana and blood purifier to remove impurities from the blood

Rasna is also used to cure gout, joint pain, body aches and used as an antidote for snake poisoning.

Rhizome paste is applied externally to reduce stiffness and pain in cases of gout.

Health Benefits of Rasna (Alpinia Galanga)

Vamak It is very effective emetic in nature, maximum 3gm of powder of this herb is used to induce vomiting to eliminate dosha from the body.

Kapha nisarak-It also helps to pacify Kapha dosha in the body. It help to excrete extra phlegm and congestion from the respiratory tract and it is used to reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Swedal-It helps to open the blocked sweat pores in the body and help to stimulate the process of sweating

Rakta shodhak Alpinia is also a very effective herb to fight against impurities of blood. It helps in the process of purification of blood.

Anulomik-It also helps to pacify aggravated vata dosha in body. It is beneficial for treating various types of vata disorders. It helps to treat bloating, flatus and distention of abdomen.

Aampachak-It helps to neutralize the harmful effects of extra accumulated hydrochloric acid in the gut. It helps to stimulate digestion and also help to treat sore mouth and blenching.

Part used- Rhizome, leaves

Dose- decoction 

Important formulation - Rasnairandadi kasayam
Maha rasanadi kasayam,Rasanasaptaka Kasaya,Rasanadi Tailam

Research :-
(1) Anti-fungal and antibacterial activity of a flavonoid from rhizomes is reported 
(In. ISxp. Biol. 1976, 14, 712).

(2) Diaryl-heptanoids exhibited prostaglandin biosynthesis inhibiting activity
 (Chem. pharm.Bull. 1982, 30, 2279).

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