Botanical Name-Mesua ferrea Linn.
Vernacular Names-English-Iron-wood of Assam, ceylon Iron wood, Hindi- Naghas Synonyms-Ahi Puspa, Ibha, Kanakähva, Kañcanähvaya, Kinjilkam, Kesaram Classical Categorization- Sušruta Samhita-Elādi, Vacādi, Añjanādi, Priyangvädi ganas
Habit-Mesua Ferrea Linn- It is a medium sized tree; bark ash-coloured. Leaves-7.5-12.5 by 25-3.8 cm. oblong-lanceolate, acute acuminate, glabrous above and glaucous beneath, petiole 6-8 mm. long Flowers-white coloured, 25-2.7 cm. deameter, axillary or terminal, sta-mens are numerous, golden-yellow coloured. Fruit-2.5-3 cm. long. Ovoiad. seed-1-4, angu-lar, smooth, chestnut brown in colour.
Distribution-Commonly found in forests of eastern Himalayas, Bengel, Assam, eastern and western ghats and Andaman Islands. Chemical Constituents
Messaol,Mammeisin, Mammegin
Rasa-Kaşäya, Tikta Guna-Rükşa, Tiksna, Laghu
Virya Usna/Anusna Vipäka-Katu
Karma-Kopho-Pittahara, Pramathi, Grahi, Pacana, Visahara, Sotha hara, Kandüghna, Kusthaghna
Pacana, Visahara, Sotha hara, Kandüghna, Kusthaghna
Indications- Raktäršas, Raktätisära, Rakta Pradara, Kustha, Visarpa, Jvara, Chardi, Vasti Vikära, Väta rakta, Sopha, Väta roga, Širo roga, Trşnä, Vişa roga, Kandü etc.
Part Used-Stamens, leaf.
Dosage-Powder of stamens 1-3gm,orally.
Therapeutic Uses-
Rakta Arśas-Naga kesara cürna (1-3gm) shall be administered orally along with butter and sugar (C.S.C1.14/210)1.
Hikkä-Nägakesara cürna (1-3gm) is given orally with honey and sugar alongwith (S.S.UL 50/24)2
Rakta Pradara-Nagakesara cürna is to orally administered while consuyming plenty or butter-milk daily (S.N.)3.
4) Sveta Pradora- Näga kesara is soaked in the buttermilk and administered orally for 3 days (V. S. & Y. R.)
(5) Rakta Atisära-Näga kesara cürņa with sugar (V. S.)5.
(6) Pumsavana-The lady who wants to have a female child should consume Nägakesara
alongwith ghee (5gm dose daily) during the period of ovulation (Rtu kala)- (R. M.)6.
Garbhasthapana-Powders of Naga kesara and Püga (beetle nut) are mixed together and given orally (Va.Sc.)
Some Important Preparations-
(1) Kanakärista (C.S.)
(2) Caturjātaka (So.Ni.)
(3) Elādi Cürna (Bha Pra.)
(4) Kesarādi Kaşäyam.
2024-02-20 From
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