The plant Arka is the plant that grows as weeds in wastelands all over India especially in the hot and dry parts. Basically, the plant is considered under the उपविष (Upavisha) category. Still it is used in several medicinal formulations of Ayurveda. It is also considered to be a sacred plant where its flowers are being offered to the Gods in Hindu culture. The flowers are made used in various southeastern cultures to make tassels. The Botanical name of the plant is Calotropis procera (Ait) R Br and belong to the family Asclepiadaceae. The plants that belong to the genus are usually referred to as milkweeds as they secret milky latex. The name “Calotropis” denotes that the plant with a flower that has a beautiful corona while the name “procera” denotes wax (white waxy tomentoes on the young plants).
LATIN NAME- Calotropis procera
पर्याय- तूलफल, क्षीरपर्ण, आस्फोट, मदार
Eng. Name- Madar
Chem. Components -Tripsin Uscarine, Calotropin
गुण- लघु, रूक्ष, तीक्ष्ण
रस- कटु, तिक्त
विपाक- कटु
आमयिक प्रयोग- संग्राही, गुल्म, शोथ, आमवात,उदररोग, श्वास, कास, यकृत, अर्बुद
प्रयोज्यांग- क्षीर, मूल, काण्ड, पत्र, पुष्प
Dose - 0.5-1 gm
विशिष्ट योग- अर्कलवण, अर्कतैल, अर्केश्वर
Calotropis procera (Ait) R. Bt.
The leaves contain cardenolids, steroids like procesterol, glycosides like calotropin, usarchin, calotoxin, etc; tannins, sugars, flavanoids, alkaloids, saponins, etc.
Calotropis gigantea (L) W. T. Aiton
The roots contain glycosides, calotroposide. The rootbark is composed of giganteol, isogiganteol, cardenolides, alcohols and β-amyrin. The latex has akundarin, ushcarin, calotoxin, calactin, β-amyrin, calcium oxalate, gigantin, etc. The leaves have the alkaloids, glycosides and mudarine. Stembark contains calotropoel, β-amyrin, gigantoel while flower has glycosides, asclepin, mudarine, amyrin, etc.
Oil is processed with the leaves of the plant and is used as drops to treat deafness, earache and other ear troubles. The oil is also useful in the treatment of inflammatory conditions by applying over the part affected. The juice expressed from the leaves is applied over the paralysed part and other applications to treat paralysis. Decoction of the leaves and fruits are used for extraction of Guniea worms from the infected limb by immersing it in the decoction. Inhalation of smoke that are obtained by burning leaves will be useful in the treatment of Asthma and cough.
Internally, 4 to 5 drops of leaf extract is advised to treat intermittent fever. The ash obtained from burning leaves with rock salt is given internally to treat abdominal disorders and is appetizer in action. The calcinated leaves are useful in the treatment of liver disorders.
What are its medicinal uses?
Its latex is useful in Vamana (vomiting therapy) and virechana (purgation therapy) to include vomit ad purgation.
Gulmahara- Used in abdominal bloating and tumors
Kushtahara- Treats skin-related issues
Udarahara- It is useful in ascites
Krimihara- Treats intestinal worm infestation
Deepana- Increases appetite
Sara- Proper bowel movements
Kanduhara- Treats itching
Pleehahara- Useful in sleep-related issues
Shophahara- Acts as an anti-inflammatory
This herb is used as a laxative (in constipation) and also useful in cough and cold
Other uses:
Gastritis: A medicine called Arka Lavana which is prepared from the leaves of arak that are processed with Saindhava Lavana (salt). This formulation is widely used in treating gastritis and apply its latex is used in relieving toothache.
Snakebite: It has been used since ancient times in snake bite. Its latex was applied over the wound and its leaves were chewed.
Benefits of aak plant:
Every part of the plant is medicine and every part is useful.
Benefits of aak leaves for inflammation:
Since ancient times, leaves of Aak have been used to remove inflammation of the body. Apply oil on the smooth surface of the leaves (ventral side), heat them, and apply to the swelling affected part of the body. If this treatment is used regularly for 5 to 6 days it definitely helps reduce inflammation.
Benefits of aak flower to cure asthma:
Grind dried flowers of aak and make powder then mix a little bit of rock salt in it. You can eat this mixture like this or else you can drink this mixture with warm water as well. You can get relief from Asthma, cough, cold, etc. by using Aak flowers.
Benefits of aak milk for skin:
Its milk is very beneficial in skin-related disorders. Using this milk you can overcome various types of skin problems for sure. Apply this milk on the affected areas of skin and useful in ringworm, boils or sores. The antioxidants present in it are helpful in healing skin problems.
Benefits of aak Cure digestion:
If you have stomach related problems then it is a very beneficial plant as it treats abdominal tumors, abdominal bloating, acidity, and constipation.
Aak leaves to relieve deafness:
Administered a few drops of its leaves juice into the ear which treats deafness of the ear. But consult your doctor before doing this as ears come in sensitive organs.
Benefits of aak Cure Diabetes:
Keep its leaves under the feet every morning and wear socks. Remove these leaves before sleeping at night that are useful to control sugar.
Along with its useful medicinal properties, it also has a poisonous tendency. If you are using this plant or its formulation for a particular disease then you should contact your doctor before using it. Its high intake results in vomiting, diarrhea, slow heart rate, convulsions, and even death. So use it with caution because it is a very poisonous plant. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should avoid it.
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