SAIREYAK -सैरेयक (कुष्ठघन)


 It is a shrub growing upto Im. It will have yellow flowers and found in many parts of India.
Caraka did not mention it under any of the 50 groups in his tex: but described it several times. Suśruta and Vägbhața have mentioned it under ganas. Bhāvamiśra quoted four variet- ies viz., Svēta, Pita, Rakta & Nila. Botanically they fall under three Barleria species viz.,

(1) B. prionitis- Yellow flowers

(ii) B. cristata Linn- White & red flowers

(iii) B. strigosa Linn- Blue flowers.

LATIN NAME - Barleria prionitis 

FAMILY NAME - Acanthaceae

ENGLISH NAME - Yellow nail-dye plant

 पर्याय- सहचर,झिण्टी,पियाबासा
Morphology - गुल्म( 1m)

Chem.const.- Barlerin,Acetyl Barlerin

रस- तिक्त,मधुर

गुण- लघु

वीर्य - उष्ण

विपाक- कटु

आमयिक प्रयोग - कुष्ठ,कण्डु,वातरक्त,विषहर,पालित्य-खालित्य

Titerapeutic Usage -

(1) Müşika Visa- Root of Saireyaka shall be given with honey and rice water (A.H.Ut. 38).

(2) Vātavyādhi-Oil prepared with the decoction of Sahacara, Devadāru and Sunthī is useful (A.H.Ci. 21).

Important Formulations- Sahacarādi taila, Krśādi ghita,

Major Chemical Constituents

(1) B. cristata- Barlacristone, cristabarlone, acetylbarlein, apigenin etc.

(2) B. prionitis- Barlerin, acetyl barlerin, scutellarein-7-neophesperidoside etc.

(3) B. strigosa- B-sitosterol

Useful part - पंचांग

Dose- Leaf juice (10-20ml)
            Decoction (50-100ml)

विशिष्ट योग
- सहचरादि तैल,रास्नादि क्वाथ


(1) The alcoholic extract of the entire plant of B. cristata was found to have hypoglycaemic activity in albino rats (Dhar et al., 1968).

(2) The decoction of the leaves of B. prionitis in a dose of 2.5 ml/100 g, was found to have moderate diuretic activity in rats compared to urea as the standard drug (Gujral et al., 1955).

(3) The extract obtained from B. cristata var. dictrotoma showed CNS depressant activity in mice. It also produced hypothermia in mice (Bhakuni et al.,1969 )

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Amalatan, dasi, bhana, kurantaka, sahachar, mrudukantaka, kinkirataka, jhinti

Regional Name

Bengali : kantajati, janti
Gujarati : katasairiyo
Hindi : katsareya
Kannada : gorantige
Tamil : shemmuli
Telugu : mullu goranti
English : yellow nail-dye paint

Botanical Name

Barleria prionitis Linn



Classification (Gana)

Bhavprakash nighantu : pushpa varga.

Raja nighantu : karaveeradi varga.

Dhanvantari nighantu : guduchyadi varga

External Morphology

Small shrub with small spikes

Useful Parts

Whole plant

Important Phytoconstituent

Potassium, rhamnosyl, acetyl barlerin, iridoids

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : tikta, madhura
Guna : laghu
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : katu



Therapeutic Indication

Sothahara (anti-inflammatory), shoolahara (analgesic ), kusthaghna, netrarogahara (treat skin diseases), palityahara (prevents premature hair graying)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Sandhivata - oil prepared with saireyaka is useful to treat inflammation and pain arthritis.
2. Arma - powder of saireyaka, lodhra, and haridra is sprinkled in the eye after surgery of pterygium.
3. Karnashoola - root paste is applied over the swelling of glandular nodes and boils.


Juice - 10-20 ml, Decoction - 40-80 ml


Sahacharadi taila, saptasara Kashaya, rasnadi kwath

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required





Tulsi is an aromatic, tropical perennial shrub native to India and Southeast Asia and it is an important symbol in the religious traditions of the Hindus.
Tulsi Kapoor is one of four main forms of Tulsi that are generally recognized and it is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes and for its essential oil.
Tulsi Kapoor is an erect, much branched shrub 30-60 cm tall, with small, strongly scented, toothed green leaves.
It bears close whorls of purple/ pinkish flowers in elongate racemes.
In temperate regions Tulsi can be grown as an annual - it prefers full sun and will do well in pots or window boxes.

Name - Karpura tulasi
Latin name - Ocimum sanctum 

Family - Lamiaceae

            Gouri, Bahumanjari, Visnu vallava , surasa. 

Eng name - Indian basil / Holybasil 

            Branched, aromatic under shrub 30-50 cm high, sometimes woody, hairy.
            Leaves-simple, opposite, ovate-oblong. - entire or subserrate. Petioles slender hairy
            Flowers- very small, pale white, borne in terminal and axillary racemes.
            Fruits-subglobose or broadly oblo  nutlets.
            Flowers and fruits almost throughout the year (mainly during September-February)

Chemical constituents - camphor, pinene, limonene, terpinolene, myrcene, beta-phellandrene, linalool,                                           camphene, p-cymene, borneol and alpha-selinene

Distribution & Habitat : Cultivated all over India

Rasa - Katu, Tikta 
Guna - Laghu , Ruksa 
Virya - Usna 
Vipaka - Katu

Karma - Kapha-Vatahara 

Indication - hikka , kasa, swasa ,visama jwara , cough , ulcer , anorexia , infections

Part use - Whole plant

Dose - Fresh juice : 10 - 20 ml 
            Powder : 2 - 4 g
            Decoction : 50 - 100 ml

Formulation - Surasadi kasaya , Nimabadi lepa 

Therapeutic Uses: Leaf juice useful in cough

Medicinal Uses. 

Apart from the religious significance, Tulsi Kapoor also has substantial medicinal meaning - it is used in Ayurvedic treatment and in Suriname's traditional medicine.
Studies support the use of Tulsi Kapoor for human and animal disease therapy and reinforce the importance of the ethno-botanical approach as a potential source of bioactive substances.
Tulsi Kapoor has adaptogenic, cardio protective, analgesic, immune enhancing, anti-fertility, anticancer, and anti-diabetic, antifungal, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antispasmodic actions.
It will help in the treatment of bronchitis, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, skin disease, arthritis, eye diseases and insect bites.
Tulsi Kapoor also contains vitamin C and A, calcium, zinc and iron, as well as chlorophyll and many other phytonutrients and enhances the efficient digestion, absorption and use of nutrients from food and other herbs.


Lemon Tulsi 

Also known as Hoary Basil or Thai Lemon basil, this herb cultivated mostly in southern Asian and Northern Africa belongs to the mint family. The history of this herb finds its origin to ancient Greece, an essential part of their traditional therapeutic medical practices, and also a symbol of mourning.

LATIN NAME-Ocimum basilicum 

SYNONYMS - Gouri, Nagamata, Bhutaghni, Bhutapriya, Bhuteshta, Bhutapati,

Eng. Name- Lemon basil, hoary basil

The herb is grown primarily in northeastern Africa and southern Asia for its fragrant lemon scent, and is used in cooking.

chem const.- geranial, neral, α-humulene, β-caryophyllene, β-caryophyllene oxide

Guna- Laghu, ruksha, teekshna

 Rasa- katu, Tikta, Amla 

Veerya- ushna 

Vipaka- katu 

Karma- kapha vata hara,  Pitta vardhak 

Useful part -leaf,oil fruit, seed, flower 

DOSE- Fresh juice - 10- 20 ml

Root decoction- 50-100ml 

Formulation - Tribhuvankirti rasa, Bilvadi gutika

Health Benefits of Lemon Basil

Protects Against Vision Loss

Lemon Basil is an excellent source of beta-carotene, a pigment found mostly in brightly coloured vegetables. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which aids in functioning of mucus membranes and is essential for a good vision.

Beneficial In Wound Healing

Lemon Basil is a great source of Vitamin K. This Vitamin assists the body in faster wound healing. The herb also provides considerable magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, calcium, and Vitamin C to the body.

Anti-inflammatory Benefits

Lemon Basil contains Citral and Limonene that has well known anti-inflammatory benefits. Those are particularly effective at protecting against breast and colon cancers as citral limits the growth of breast cancer cells.

Controls Cortisol Levels

Lemon Basil keeps the cortisol, the stress hormone levels in check. The elevated levels of this hormone can cause multiple health conditions such as diabetes, reduced immune function, obesity, and even memory problems.


SAIREYAK -सैरेयक (कुष्ठघन) Introduction -  It is a shrub growing upto Im. It will have yellow flowers and found in many parts of...