
LATIN NAME- Rauwolfia serpentina
पर्याय - चन्द्रमार, धवलविटप
MORPH - क्षुप
Chem. Compo - Reserpine
गुण - रुक्ष
रस - तिक्त
विपाक - कटु
वीर्य - उष्ण
आमयिक प्रयोग - शामक, उच्चरक्तचाप,उन्माद, अनिद्रा, अपस्मारहर, मानसिकव्याधिहर
प्रयोज्यांग - मूल
DOSE - 1-2Gm
विशिष्ट योग - सर्पगन्धाघन वटी

Ayurvedic Properties Sarpagandha

Taste  -Bitter

Rasa -Tikia





Synonyms Of Sarpagandha

Nakuli ,Sarpachhatrikka,Varshaasu,Chandramara,Dhavala,Sarpasugan sugandha


Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) is a popular herb which is available in the form of Tablets, Capsules and in the form of Powder. It is an evergreen, Erect Perennial shrub which grows at a height of 60 cm. There are the majority of health issues such as Coronary artery disease and heart failure and the primary factor is high Blood pressure. One miraculous herb which is helpful in managing hypertension. Sarpagandha is also helpful with other wide range of nervous systems and mental health. Rauwolfia is an evergreen shrub which is a member of the Apocynaceae family and more than 100 species are included in the Rauwolfia genus.

Sarpagandha Plant parts

Sarpagandha is a glabrous shrub which has red colour pedicles and calyx. Calyx is bright red in colour.

Leaves The pattern of leaves is whorls 3-4 which are opposite in structure. They are bright green in colour above and pale green below. The base of the leaves is siender and tapering in nature. Petioles are long in length.

Flowers- They are white or violet in colour and contain nectar in the corolla tubes. It has irregular corymbose cymes, Corolla is tube- like and has a white fang with a red colour.

Fruits-Fruit is purple-black in colour when it ripens. They are oval and tiny in shape.

Fruits are found throughout the year in the months of February-May.

Geographical Distribution

This plant is found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma as well as in Thailand. In India, it is distributed in the sub-Himalayan tract from Punjab to Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. It is also found in the lower hills of Gangetic plains, Andaman, Eastern and Western Ghats. In India, it is found in moist deciduous forests and shady areas at a height of 4,000 feet above sea level. This plant is never growing in bulk at a single place. In short, it is widely cultivated in many parts of india

Phytochemical Constituents Of Sarpagandha

Rauwolfia serpentina comprises many bioactive chemicals with more than 50 different alkaloids. Out of 50 alkaloids, the main alkaloids present are ajmaline, ajmalicine, indoline, indefinite, ajmaline, serpentine, serpentinine, deserpidine, reserpine, reserpiline, rescinnamine, yohimbine and yohimbine. Reserpine is quite a useful alkaloid of this plant. About 90 per cent of these alkaloids are found in the tuberous roots of this plant

Side Effects
       Abdominal Pain,Headache,Chest Pain,Skin Rashes,Drowsiness,Convulsion.

Benefits Of Sarpagandha

Lower High Blood Pressure - A constituent of sarpagandha is Resperine which is a lipid-soluble can easily cross blood-brain barrier and lower the activity of nervous system and results in decreased blood pressure, cardiac output.

For Insomnia It is rich in alkaloids (Reserpine) which have soothing properties which balance the central nervous system. Sarapagandha Pacify the mind and promotes deep sleep. Sarpagandha reduces the Adrenaline and Noradrenaline in the nerves

which reduces anxiety and improves mental health, decreases sleep problems like Insomnia.

High-Grade Fever Sarpagandha has antipyretic and analgesic properties which when ingested with Coconut water is helpful in reducing the body temperature to a normal range.

Pacify stomach infections Sarpagandha has various antimicrobial properties which when taken with Honey or water are more useful in treating various infections. Promotes healthy digestion, reduces the stool frequency and regulates the normal bowel movement.

For skin Sarpagandha has anti-inflammatory properties which when directly applied to the skin is useful in repairing damaged tissues and other conditions.

For muscle spasms- Sarpagandha has vasodilating property which expands the blood cells and provides proper circulation to the body parts

For the digestive system - Tikla and Ushna guna it is well known for their appetiser, digestive and cholagogue properties. If there is pain in the abdomen then add Sarpagandha roots (1 part), 2 parts of Kutaja and 3 parts of Castor Oil when mixed with Milk

Home Remedies From Sarpagandha

1. Hypertension 5 gm of powder of Sarpagandha roots when taken with Hot water used in the early moming useful remedy for Hypertension.

2. Diarrhoea-10 gm of root when taken with honey is helpful in Diarrhoea.

3. Fever-40 gm of root and 200 ml of water when mixed and taken intermally for 5 days along with Ginger juice

4. Poisonous Insect Sting - The paste made of Sarpagandha mixed with turmeric is applied to the affected area.

5. Constipation-10 grams of powder taken along with Lukewarm water is taken internally for 3 days to cure constipation.

6. Goiter-5gm of root when taken internally with 10 ml juice of Kanchnaar for 9 days is useful in Goiter.

7. Insomnia-10 g of root taken with cold water during sleep is useful in Insomnia.

Planet Ayurveda's Products Which Contain Sarpagandha As An Ingred





Part Used

Roots and Leaves of Sarpagandha are used.


Roots powder should be (for normalizing high blood pressure) - 1-2 gm.

• For restlessness, anxiety and inducing sleep - 3-6 gm.

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