Pippali( पीपल)
Botanical name - Piper longum
Family - piperaceae
पर्याय- मगधी, चपाला, कोल
Eng. Name -long Piper
MORPHOLOGY - An aromatic slender climber.
Chem. Compo -Caryophyllene
गुण-लघु, स्निग्ध
रस -कटु
विपाक - मधुर
कर्म -वात स्लेष्म हर
आमयिक प्रयोग- उदर, प्लिहारोग, ज्वार, कुष्ठ, प्रमेह, गुल्म, अर्स, सुल, अमवात
प्रयोज्यांग - फल, मूल
1. Pippali Powder
a. Take ¼ -½ teaspoon of Pippali Powder.
b. Add honey and make a paste.
c. Apply on the affected area.
d. Wash thoroughly with fresh water.
विशिष्ट योग- पिप्पलियासव, पिप्पलियादीघ्रीत, पिप्पलियादी लेह
Pippali is an essential herb used in various Ayurvedic medicines. The roots and fruits of Pippali are used for its medicinal purposes. Fruits of this plant are slight yellow to orange in color and pungent in taste.
Pippali is an effective home remedy in managing cough and cold. Swallowing Pippali powder along with honey after lunch and dinner helps release mucus from the air passages due to its expectorant property, thus allowing the patient to breathe easily. It’s consumption might also help promote weight loss by improving the body’s metabolism.
What are the benefits of Pippali for Cholera?
Although there is not enough scientific evidence available, Pippali has been traditionally used to manage cholera[4][7][9][10].
What are the benefits of Pippali for Epilepsy?
Pippali contains a component that acts as a sedative and helps to manage seizures in epilepsy[4][8][15][16].
What are the benefits of Pippali for Asthma?
Pippali contains certain compounds that have anti-asthmatic property. It may be beneficial in managing bronchial asthma in children[4][10-12].
According to Ayurveda, Pippali helps to control the symptoms of asthma and provides relief in case of breathlessness. The main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with the deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage, resulting in difficulty in breathing. This condition is known as Swas Roga (asthma). Pippali is very useful in asthma because it has decongestant, bronchodilator, and expectorant activities due to its Kapha balancing property.
1. Take 2-3 pinches of Pippali powder.
2. Swallow it with honey after lunch and dinner to manage the symptoms of asthma.
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