Botanical name - Abutilon indicum
Family -. Malvaceae
English name - country mallow
Hindi name - kakahiya
Synonyms - ATIBALA kanktika
Two type -
1) chhoti. ( Abutilon indicum)
2) Badi - Abutilon hirtum
Chemical constituents -. Musilage cells mostly present
Guna karma -
Guna - Laghu snigdha pichchhila
Rasa - madhur
Virya - sita
Vipaka - madhura
Karma - vatapittasamak balya rasayan
Indication --
Mutrakruchh raktapradar shlipada
Parts use - panchang , seed
Doses -
Kwatha 50-100 ml
Curna 3-6gm
β-Sitosterol is present in A.
The root, bark, flowers, leaves and seeds are all used for medicinal purposes.
The leaves are used as adjunct to medicines used for pile complaints.
The flowers are used to increase semen in men.
Traditional medicine-
Used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, sedative, astringent, expectorant, tonic, anti- convulsant,anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, and analgesic and to treat leprosy, ulcers, headaches, gonorrhea, and bladder infection.
The whole plant is uprooted, dried and is powdered. In ancient days, maidens were made to consume a spoonful of this powder with a spoonful of honey, once in a day, for 6 months until the day of marriage, for a safe and quick pregnancy.
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