


Amla is considered the powerhouse of nutrients because it is loaded with various nutrients and is the richest source of vitamin C. Regular use of this herb helps to boost immunity and treats various health problems. As per Ayurveda, it is considered one of the best Ayurvedic Rasayan tonics that brightens the skin, improves eyesight, and purifies the blood. It is used as a medicine and food because it is stuffed with various miraculous health benefits that we can’t even imagine. It is the best fruit for maintaining equilibrium in three main doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

FAMILY -Euphorbiaceae 

LATIN NAME- Embilica officinalis 

SYNONYMS -Vayasya, vrishya, jatiphalarasa, shiva, dhatriphala, shriphala, amrutaphala, tishyaphala

MORPHOLOGY - 15-20 meter, medium to high tree

chemical composition -Galic acid, elaigic acid, vitamin C

गुण-  गुरु, रुक्ष, शीत 

रस-  पंच रस लवण वर्जित 

अम्ल प्रधान 

विर्य-  शीत 

विपाक-  मघुर

आमयिक प्रयोग -  रक्त पित्त, प्रमेह, रसायन, त्रिदोषहर, 

प्रयोज्यागं- फल 

DOSE-  3-6gm

FORMULATION -  च्यवनप्राश, धात्रीलोहा

    Medicinal uses according to Ayurveda:

  1. Raktapittaghna- It is used in bleeding disorders
  2. Daahahara- It relieves burning sensation in the body
  3. Rasayana- Acts as rejuvenation and anti-aging
  4. Jwaharahara- Used to treat fever
  5. Sarvadoshaghna- Balances three doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
  6. Balances vata dosha because of sour taste
  7. Balances pitta dosha because of its coldness and sweetness
  8. Balances Kapha dosha because of its astringent and dry nature
  9. Pramehaghna- Used to treat diabetes and urinary tract disorders
  10. Vrushya- Works as aphrodisiac
  11. Kanthya- Improves voice, treats throat diseases, and is good for throat
  12. Hrudya- It is good for the heart and its related diseases
  13. Its churna is used to prepare a type of salt named Vida Lavana

Therapeutic uses of Amla:

Detoxification and elimination:

Amla promotes healthy detoxification because of its rich antioxidant property. Detoxification is not only done in the GI tract but also in tissues that help to balance agni throughout the body. Proper detoxification maintains bowel health.


Amla is a very effective herb in stimulating and tonifying the first stage of digestion. As its predominant taste is sour, Amla increases the digestive fire without aggravating pitta dosha. Being a natural cleanser, it helps to clean and protect the liver from harmful toxins which plays a major role in providing nourishment to the body.

Diabetes mellitus:

Amla can stimulate microcirculation and increase immunity that helps to maintain blood sugar levels mainly in those of pitta imbalance. This herb also balances urine excretion and balance blood sugar levels. It also increases the production of insulin naturally in the body through the pancreas.


It acts as a rejuvenating (rasayana) for the entire body as it promotes youthfulness, boosts immunity, and promotes the overall health of an individual. As a natural brain tonic, it increases memory power, awareness, and balanced emotion.

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